What to Expect
I strive to offer a warm, specialized service in a confidential, friendly environment. Please contact me via email, phone, or the online form.
After contacting me, I will respond within 24 hours to schedule an initial consultation appointment. This consultation appointment is 1 hour in length.
I may ask you to complete a referral form and submit it to me so that I can have more information about you and your challenges prior to our meeting.
I will send you a confirmation email.
At your initial consultation, your concerns will be discussed and recommendations provided. Recommendations may include further assessment or intervention. These plans will be developed collaboratively with you.
Psychological services are tax deductible, but are not covered by OHIP. The fee for consultation and therapy sessions is $235, which is in line with recommended rates by the Ontario Psychological Association (see here). Fee for assessment services varies depending on the nature and complexity of the assessment. Clients with extended health benefits may be eligible for reimbursement. Please see your individual and family benefits plan. Benefits may be combined across individuals, as permitted.
For a Comprehensive Psychoeducational Assessment
A psychoeducational assessment is rigorous and thorough. After the initial consultation, the following should be expected:
I will schedule further assessment dates which may include:
1 hour further clinical interviewing with parent(s)/caregiver(s) and child, if necessary​.
Two to three separate 2-3.5 hour assessment sessions. These will be scheduled either on a weekday or weekend morning, one-on-one with the child. Breaks are provided.
Parent/caregiver will be provided with standardized, self-report assessment for​ms to be completed at home by themselves, teacher (if consent provided), and child. Many of these forms are provided via a secure online portal, for your convenience.
I will conduct a clinical interview with relevant teacher(s)/school personnel (if consent provided) by phone.
I will score, formulate, and write a comprehensive report, integrating all findings.
I will schedule a parent/caregiver feedback session, where the results of the assessment are discussed and questions answered.
I will provide the parent/caregiver with a draft of the report for review. Any necessary revisions will be discussed and a final report will be provided.
Fee for comprehensive psychoeducational assessment: $3800
Fee for gifted assessment: $1300-$2200 (depending on school board requirements)
See Psychological Assessment for more information.
More about What to Expect From a Psychologist can be found here.